And How They Differ From Automobiles

“No case ever brings a settlement or judgment that makes it worthwhile to have a motorcycle accident. As your motorcycle accident lawyer in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose areas in California, my job is to manage your case so that the insurance adjuster or a jury will understand your condition so you’ll get the maximum settlement. My goal is to make every client happy with the way that I handled their case.
As a motorcycle owner and rider, I know what goes through my mind every time I ride. California motorcycle accident cases are very different from other cases. Handling a lawsuit for a motorcyclist requires unique skills. I care about motorcycles, and those who ride them. And I think about that every time I get a call on a new case.”
About Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists face a far higher risk of involvement in an injury-causing accident. A motorcycle crash is a complex event involving the interaction of human, vehicle, and environmental factors. While there is no “typical” motorcycle accident, what is “typical” is that a motorcycle crash is a violent event. More than 80 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents result in injury or death to the motorcyclist.
Why Motorcycle Accidents Result In More Injuries
- The motorcycle itself provides no head injury protection to the rider or passenger.
- Ejection from the motorcycle is a common injury pathway.
- If a motorcycle comes to a sudden stop and the rider is ejected from the motorcycle, the rider will forcibly strike objects in the path as well as the ground.
Why Motorcycle Accidents Are More Serious (and expensive)
Motorcycle injuries are more expensive because they tend to be more serious and have much longer rehabilitation periods. For example, according to comprehensive insurance industry data shows that…
- 23% of motorcycle claimants have injuries in multiple locations;
- 18% suffer head injuries with permanent disability;
- 10% of claimants have injuries to the back or spine. Some of these result in permanent paraplegia or quadriplegia.
This means that 50% of motorcycle accident claimants have the sort of life-threatening injuries from which some never recover.
- Motorcycles Vs. Autos: Find out why motorcycles almost always lose against automobiles when an accident occurs.
- Who Is Affected?: View statistics about who is affected when a motorcycle accident occurs.
- Motorcycle Injury Improvements: Discover how motorcycles and riders are getting more safe.
- Helmets Save Lives: View the facts and statistics about wearing a helmet and why they save lives.
- Motorcycle Repair or Replacement: Learn how you can get your motorcycle repaired or replaced after your accident occurs.